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Text ColorChristmas morning--our traditional photo of the kids at the top of the stairs.  We had to take 3 versions this year so that she could be held by each of them in a photo.  
Sam and Kate-- She was not sure about things at this point.
Jack and Kate--she was so exhausted but tolerated a few pictures.  

Our first pictures with all of the kids together--finally!  You can tell it was a rough 30 hours of travel by looking at the dark circles under my eyes.  They are not gone yet--hopefully, soon.

Our very luxurious ride home from the airport.  We were so happy to be home!

Merry Christmas!  12/25/08

We have been home about 24 hours.  We still have not slept much but it has been wonderful!  My parents, Don's mom, and the boys picked us up in an awesome limo!  It was a blast and a really special way to come home after such a loooong trip!  Kate did not enjoy her fist experience with a carseat and was extremely over tired.  She cried almost the whole way home.  Ben said that she was giving him a headache and Jack asked me to make her quiet so that he could hear the movie.   They have a lot to learn about our new life with a baby in the house!
We got home and the house was as clean as I have ever seen it!  We really appreciate how well they took care of the boys and everything else.  The boys had a great time with them and will miss CC and Hop.  We had a great meal that mom made and got ready for Santa to come.
The boys have been so sweet with her and keep kissing her and Ben said he would much rather have a Chinese sister than an American sister because "she is the best sister ever".
Kate woke up about 3:30, ready to be entertained and fed.  Jack helped me with that.  Then everyone was up early for Christmas.  I collapsed about noon and did not wake up until about 2:30.  We went to a friend's house for a big Christmas party.  It was so nice and we were happy for Kate to meet so many of our close friends.  She got a lot of love and overall did well with so much stimulation.  Now she is hopefully asleep until morning.  
It was an amazing Christmas for all of us and even better because CC and Hop were here to celebrate.  We hope everyone reading this also had a wonderful holiday!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Glad to hear you made it! L-O-V-E the Buckeye jerseys! Hope the jet lag is easing. We think day 2 was the hardest in Beijing so we hope tomorrow we are over the hump.

We are so glad we were able to make such good friends on this trip. We look forward to getting together soon.

P.S. My word verification is pretty darn close to cipro... the Internet must've known our Guangzhou experiences :)